Standards Wise International
Our Team
We have a team of highly professional experts across many fields who can work with you to find solutions over both the short term or for longer periods, depending on your organisational needs.
Experience relevant to your organisation
Our Compliance Specialists have been supporting organisations to remedy and maintain compliance under imposed and sanctions/ penalties since 2003 across both community, social care, and residential care home providers.
Mergers & Partnerships
We assist organisations with their merger and/or sale to other larger organisations through stabilising and consolidating their quality management and clinical, operational systems and processes, and governance across all of their business units, and corporate office.
We have assisted organisations work towards accreditation and identify improvements with clients ranging from less than 10 to 50,000 +, and one supporting over 3 million vulnerable people in the UK. Our expertise has provided solutions to whole of country government projects and private organisations internationally.
Our Founder David Stevens is the original co-developer through the late 80’s and 90’s of Person Centred Care, Packaged Care, Hospital in the Home, Transitional Care Model (community and residential), Hospital Avoidance Schemes, and Veterans Home Care.
Our Approach
Our unique point of difference is in the ‘Thought Leadership/Next Level Thinking’ we offer, the calibre of our national and international experts, the ‘smart’ methodology we apply, and our experience in problem solving.
Our Consulting Services​
· Nurse Advisors and Administrators
· Audit and Compliance services
· Project Development and Management
· Risk Management Frameworks
· Exemplar Mentoring Program for Managers and senior clinicians
· Standards Development and Review
· Policy Frameworks
· Audit Frameworks
· Incident Reporting
· Progress note monitoring
· Strategic and Business Planning
· Gap Analysis and Feasibility Studies
Standards Wise supports your journey to excellence in Senior Living and Human Services through its Advisory, Auditing and Mentoring Services working with government, organisations, and businesses to achieve this.
Standards Wise has particular expertise in the fields of Ageing and Disability, with breath of knowledge in Retirement Living, Primary and Tertiary Health, Mental Health, Culturally specific organisations/communities.
Benefits of working with Our Team

We provide all your organisational development, support, audit and compliance needs including a wide range of consulting services and products.